
You do the hard work of sourcing and then installing the hardware. If you partner with us, you will get access to software that will meet and exceed the customers expectations to go along with your hardware solution.

Find & win work
Generate revenue
Offer more services
Upsell with insights

Win more work

Open your business to new sectors with an accessible, scalable platform. SO E.V. is fully customisable, OCPP compliant and constantly evolving to meet needs across industries as EV rollout accelerates.

Generate revenue

As a reseller, you could generate recurring revenue from platform sales, plus take a cut of revenues generated by paying drivers on your network.

Offer additional services

SO E.V. comes with a suite of remote maintenance features to help you offer additional support services to your clients, bringing another revenue stream to your business

Insight to upsell

Having a clear understanding on how your clients’ chargers are being used will put you in a good position to recognise opportunities for growth.